Rabu, 13 April 2011

Tugas Softskill 'biodata pengajar bahasa inggris'

TUGAS SOFTSKILL ‘biodata pengajar bahasa inggris’


NPM : 13210024



My name is Yaumil Rizky. I used to be called kiki. I was born in Jakarta, 31 May 1983. Now I was twenty-eight years. I was married and had a child. I had attended at junior high school 252 Jakarta, senior high school 68 Jakarta, Indonesian University and now I work at a magazine company and English tutor at my home. I teach English language has been ever since eight years ago. My motivation in teaching is a pleasure in the knowledge I can give to others and because I also like English language. A lot of joy and sorrow that I get from teaching English. I feel sad when my students still do not understand the lessons that I give and I feel happy when the students I have taught to understand the lessons I give. But more happy and enjoy in the English language teaching of the sorrow and sad, because English language is fun and easy to learn.

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